Handling Case Forwarding Shipments

If your prep center handles case forwarding for your clients (sending a shipment to Amazon without prepping any items), you will need to skip the normal prep charges for items in that shipment. You can configure the amount to charge per case as well. Here's how to do it.

Using Case Forwarding

First, create a new outbound shipment and add the items you are forwarding for your client. Next (before you send the shipment), click the Options dropdown, and click Switch to Case Forwarding.


Once you switch a shipment to case forwarding, you will no longer be able to add per-item services to items. You can still add services at the shipment level. We recommend creating a Case Forwarding service based on the amount you charge per case that is shipped.

Usage Charges

When you ship a case forwarding shipment, we do not charge your account for each item that you shipped. Instead, we take the total amount for the services that you charged to your client, and charge you 2 units per dollar of services. If you charge your client $40 for the shipment, we will add 80 units of usage to your account.