Handle Charges

Make a Quick Adjustment or a Client Service Charge

The PrepBusiness portal enables you to create custom charges for your clients. You may want to make an adjustment charge or perhaps you performed a service for a customer that was not recorded on the portal. You can still charge them through the portal by following these steps:

  1. Open the Billing page and select “New Charge”.


  1. To record a Client Service Charge fill in the quantity of the service and a description of of the reason for the charge.


  1. Select “Add Client Service Charge” to finish.
  2. To record an Adjustment Charge fill in the Amount of the charge and a description of the reason for the charge.


  1. Select “Create Quick Adjustment” to finish.

Export Charge Details

To Export a specific charge’s details, follow these steps:

  1. Open the charge you want to export details for.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select “Download Spreadsheet”.


Make an Amendment Charge

The portal enables you to edit a shipment even after an invoice has been finalized for that shipment. This is the process of creating an amendment charge:

  1. Finalize the invoice for the shipment.
  2. Make your desired edit to the shipment. (In this case we added a New Boxes service to the shipment)


  1. A new open charge will be created for the same shipment.


  1. Within the charge you can see that it’s an Amendment charge and the amount charged for the new box service.


Delete a Charge

To delete a charge follow these steps:

  1. Open the charge you want to delete.
  2. Select “Delete Charge”.


  1. Select “Delete Charge” to finish.
